7 Ways to Boost Your Sales with Social Media

Ways to Boost Your Sales with Social Media

7 Easy Ways to Build Your Business with Social Media

"Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission - to make the world more open and connected."
- Mark Zuckerberg

Simple Yet Effective Ways to Boost Sales with Social Media

If you still think that social media will not contribute positively to your business; the time has come to rethink your strategy and get on board with the social revolution.

  • Increasing your brand recognition across multiple channels is a key social media strategy. 
  • When you increase your brand awareness, you will increase your company sales.

Here are the top seven ways you can use social media for your business to grow your profitability online.

1. Getting Started with Social Media

Social media is everywhere and well known platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube amongst others. Don't get overwhelmed by thinking you need an active presence on all of these websites at once.

The key is to simply get started with one and focus your efforts on creating a professional business profile page. This is going to be a direct extension of your business, so take the time to ensure your branding, images and relevant company information is well represented to potential customers.

Contact your local design or SEO agency if you need assistance with regard to establishing social profiles.

2. Take Time Every Day

Social media is all about being social.

Don't make the mistake of developing your profile and then sitting back and expecting millions of users to like you.

The key here is to find a certain amount of time each day to connect with others and make relevant and informative posts targeted to your niche audience. Posting is not about selling your products and services. Offer some advice and helpful tips along the way and strive to deliver information that is genuinely of value.

3. Never Outsource Your Posting

Always remember that this is your company and your reputation online. Never delegate your social media marketing to an outside source. They will never put their heart into those posts like you will.

Find a little amount of time each day to post and commit to the process. Social media is a long term investment.

4. Become an Authority in Your Niche

Whatever your business niche - you have valuable insights that can help a potential customer.

Take time each day to interact with people and offer some advice or tips on how to solve problems in your industry. These social media for business tips can really position you as an authority in your industry by your followers.

5. Mix it Up Each Day

Just because you can post comments and blogs, doesn't mean that is all you should be doing.

Occasionally post a video to assist your customers with a common problem. Post an image of your staff hard at work to put faces to names behind the scenes. In this context a message about a new product release will have a much bigger impact upon your followers.

6. Stop Focusing Locally

The internet has opened up a whole world of new customers for you.

Consider for a moment that the entire world can see and read your posts now. When you realize your audience is that much bigger, you open the door to making many more sales that you could have even imagined.

7. Don't Spam the Social Sites

Using the 80/20 business rule, only 20% of all your posts should be related to products or services offered by your company.

Post relevant information that can help your customers and they will come back to your page more often. Deliver value – with new and interesting content – and visitors will consistently return to read your updates. Remember that regular visitors will often become customers – so update your content frequently, ideally on a daily basis.

Is Your Social Media Strategy Working For You?

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Author - Saul Edmonds

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